Monday, March 10, 2014

{monday morning with: Lauren of A Fabulous Fete}

For today's Monday Morning With we have the super creative Lauren of A Fabulous Fete.  I'm not sure what originally led me to start following Lauren's blog almost 3 years ago (maybe its because she is a fellow Southern California lady!), but I have been hooked ever since.  Besides Lauren's inspiring point of view on her blog, she also just launched an adorable online shop in addition to her established Etsy shop (does Lauren ever sleep!??!). Check out her interview below and then go get your shop on!

what'd you do this past weekend?
Spent a ton of time inside! Last weekend we experienced two days of the craziest rain and wind I've ever seen. So my husband and I braved ikea on a Saturday (without killing each other), built a new dresser while having a few cocktails, met friends for dinner, then enjoyed mimosas and a movie marathon Sunday. So exciting.

what's your drink of choice?
A buttery glass of chardonnay.

what is the top item on your wishlist right now?
This cuff. Amazing.

do you have a signature scent? 
Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb.

favorite quote of the moment?
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.

what are you currently reading? 
Tons of business advice on any blog I can find (sadly I don't have the patience to read a real book).

what's the most recent store you shopped at? 
Anthro for my birthday last week!

tell us a secret? 
I take at least 5-10 pictures of something before I Instagram it (you should see how many pictures I have on my phone. Insane).

where are you or where would you like to travel to next? 
Jamaica in 2 weeks. I'm trying to convince my husband we need to go to Africa next year though.

whats your new favorite blog discovery?  
Sara's blog is just so pretty.

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