Thursday, November 29, 2012

{gift guide for the Bliss Weddings Blog}

Head on over to the Bliss Weddings blog to check out a little gift guide
I created for them for all those newly engaged couples who pop up after Thanksgiving weekend!

 also- while I am not newly engaged, you can feel free to send that case 
of Dom Perignon at the bottom of the guide my way when you get a chance! 


  1. So many cute gifts!

  2. This is such a perfect post. My flatmates just got engaged and I didn't know what to get them but now I'm totally inspired. xx

  3. I bought Mr. & Mrs. cocktail glasses after your post the other day. My brother just got engaged so it was perfec timing! Plus, the 20% off Cyber Monday sale helped. Thanks for giving me some more ideas for their gift!

  4. I love these ideas, I got engaged just before Christmas last year and loved getting some newly-enaged themed presents!

  5. I would use caution if you're planning to get those glasses on, they are not a very reliable company.
