Tuesday, September 6, 2011

{labor day weekend photos}

This weekend was truly amazing from start to finish- there really is nothing better than a 3 day weekend.  I felt like I crossed a million things off my to do and got to spend time with all my favorite people.  Here are some shots from the weekend:

 {trader joe's lemon bars that I sprinkled with home-made lavender sugar for game night at our place}

 {strawberry pesto crostini appetizers, recipe here}

 {new candle purchase from Nordstrom, available here}

 {sunset sky in downtown los angeles}

 {veggies portabella burgers with sweet potato fries}

{forcing muji to cuddle with me}


  1. we got a new voluspa candle this weekend too! they're my fave... i seriously wish i could afford to put them ALL over our house.

  2. lemon bars with lavender sugar sound AMAZING. I'm going to steal this idea immediately. How were they?

  3. Hi DJ!

    The lemon bars come frozen and you just let them defrost. I think it would be best to not put the sugar on them until right before you wanna serve. Mine sort of soaked the sugar in by the time i served them.

